- 26/11/2021 -

Nobordist solutions to cross border issues in Brazil

Brand Reputation

With the solution offered by NB in the previous items, we were able to guarantee a good shopping experience for the final customer. Thus, the seller’s brand is not harmed, and the seller can more easily retain the customer, enabling future purchases

Total Price

Our transparent checkout already makes the customs calculation and allows the complete and single payment. Consequently, the process makes it more convenient for the final consumer, improving the overall shopping experience.


Without the other problems, there is no possibility of buyer-related financial problems. That is, there is no need to return the cargo, nor return the product money.

Time Delivery

With the help of our logistic partners, we can ensure the estimated time to the customer. In addition, with the NB label, we ensure that the goods are not stopped at customs.


Nobordist presents the final price in Reais to the buyer at checkout, in addition to making possible the payment in installments and via boleto, increasing accessibility to cross border purchases.


Nobordist manages the automatic and advance payment of taxes. Tax calculation is done accurately and with the help of our partners and our own internally developed tools